Saturday, June 20, 2009

Clay Shirky: How Twitter can make history

I just watched this June 2009 TED (TED = Technology, Entertainment, Design) video: "Clay Shirky: How Twitter can make history" for the 5th time and I continue getting more social web ecosystem insights out of it. Clay Shirky is amazingly prescient as seen in both of the below videos. The older TED video from 2005: "Clay Shirky on institutions vs. collaboration" predicted almost exactly what would happen in the social web ecosystem and how it would impact society and culture in 2008.

This June 2009 video essentially predicts, without specifically calling out Iran, what could happen politically, socially and culturally when closed societies' citizens gain and use the power of the social web ecosystem and open tools and services like Twitter.

Both videos are well worth the approximately twenty minute investment to watch. Also, check out the TED Blog: "Q&A with Clay Shirky on Twitter and Iran" where he discusses the Iran election and political uprising that is still continuing today, June 20, 2009.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

AMA Atlanta Panel Presentation: Advocacy In The Digital Age

I was honored today to be part of a panel presenting ideas, concepts and case studies related to social media, social web and interactive marketing to the American Marketing Association - Atlanta Chapter. It was an energized, sold out crowd that provided insightful and eloquent questions during the Q&A.

The panel: Advocacy in the Digital Age was moderated by Glen Caruso (@glencaruso), FY 2008-2009 AMA Atlanta President, and Director of Advertising Sales at Tremor Media.

Panel Description:

Social media is greatly impacting the lives of everyday people and as well as the marketers that are trying to reach them. After all, online communities provide businesses with an efficient way to reach targeted segments of the population as well as monitor their customers’ opinions about products, services and brands. But what does this sea change really mean for brands? Join us to learn how to:

  • Effectively tap into this groundswell of activity.

  • Leverage your most passionate fans to drive bottom line value.

  • Foster brand advocacy while adhering to the delicate and varied mores that govern marketing’s role within social networks

  • Panel members included:

    Thought Leader Perspective on Social Media and Advocacy - Dave Rollo
    (@iRollo) – SVP, Director of Digital Media Strategy, 22squared

    WOM as Social Media – Dave Balter (@DaveBalter), CEO, BzzAgent Dave will look at the role of WOM in creating advocacy and spark a discussion of what social media means for brands. Balter will explore a selection of word-of-mouth generating success stories and highlight how marketers have effectively engaged with brand advocates and measured the outcome. Mr. Balter is also the author of several books including: The Word Of Mouth Manual: Volume II and Grapevine: Why Buzz Was a Fad but Word of Mouth is Forever.

    Brand Case Study - Bert DuMars (@bwdumars), Vice President E-Business & Interactive Marketing, Newell Rubbermaid. Bert will present how Newell Rubbermaid has successfully used social media to drive business results.

    Dave Rollo and David Balter did an excellent job of framing the social web ecosystem and provided a number of statistical insights and case studies from their clients. I discussed our social media marketing efforts at our Graco Baby, Rubbermaid and Sharpie brands. See my post: Newell Rubbermaid Social Web Ecosystem Update.

    I want to send a big Thank You out to the AMA Atlanta Chapter and especially Glen Caruso and Tracy Frank for running an excellent event and inviting me to participate.

    Tuesday, June 9, 2009

    How and When to Incorporate Social Media Into Your Next PR Program

    I was part of a Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) (@PRSA) webinar today, June 9, 2009 from 3PM to 4PM EST - How and When to Incorporate Social Media into your next PR Program.

    The webinar panel included the following industry experts:

    • Rob Key, CEO, founded Converseon in 2001 to provide new, innovative communication solutions designed to help companies meet their business objectives in a digital environment. Previously, he was head of the Innovations Group at a division of Young & Rubicam and member of the board. His twenty years of experience spans public relations, reputation management, search marketing, affiliate marketing and online media/advertising. (@robkey)

    • David Bradfield, partner, Fleishman-Hillard, manages the FH Digital team, which combines industry-leading strategic counsel in interactive, digital and social media with full-service design and development capabilities to help clients navigate the evolving world of communication, conversation and community. He is also a practice group leader, which includes more than 120 digital communication consultants, and creative and technical development professionals. (@dbradfield)

    • And me -

      Bert DuMars, vice president, E-Business and Interactive Marketing for Newell Rubbermaid, is responsible for directing and coordinating e-marketing, interactive marketing, social media marketing and e-commerce initiatives for Newell Rubbermaid’s externally-facing Web sites, overseeing a new e-business shared services model with standard processes, enterprise services, technologies and metrics across the company’s brand sites. (@bwdumars)

    We discussed several topics including
    • How to engage with your target customer segments through social media efforts.
    • How to start - Listening - and how tools like Converseon Conversation Miner can help.
    • The value of Twitter and how to begin using it to engage with consumers.
    • How to handle bloggers who are unhappy with your brand.
    • How to find and engage with influential bloggers.
    • How to manage your social media efforts.
    • How to use the way consumers talk about your brands and products in your communications
    I want to send a big thank you out to PRSA and Peter Himler for including me as a panelist.

    Monday, June 8, 2009

    Newell Rubbermaid Social Web Ecosystem Update

    It has been a very busy past couple of weeks. Below is an update on Newell Rubbermaid interactive and social web marketing efforts:

    I also wanted to provide an update on the various places where you can find out more about Newell Rubbermaid brands in the social web ecosystem.

    Newell Rubbermaid Brands on YouTube:

    Bernzomatic Fat Boy

    Graco Baby Products

    Lenox Tools


    Rubbermaid Commercial



    Newell Rubbermaid Brands on Facebook:

    Newell Rubbermaid Corporate Fan Page - Corporate Communications and Recruiting

    BernzOmatic MAPP Propane and Butane powered Torches and Lighters

    Graco Baby Fan Page

    Irwin Industrial Tools UK Ultimate Tradesman Challenge

    Irwin Vise Grip Appreciation Society

    Lenox Tools Fan Page

    Mimio Fan Page

    Paper Mate Fan Page

    Parker Gentleman's Club Fan Page

    Prismacolor Fan Page

    Prismacolor Group

    Rubbermaid Fan Page

    Sharpie Permanent Markers

    Sharpie Fan Club

    uni-ball Fan Page

    Newell Rubbermaid Blogs:

    Graco Baby - From The Heart

    Rubbermaid - Adventures In Organization

    Sharpie - Uncap What's Inside

    Newell Rubbermaid Twitter Accounts:



















    I will make updates to this list as we increase our presence in the social web ecosystem.

    June 9, 2009 Update:

    Sharpie "Uncap What's Inside" integrated marketing campaign additional articles: