Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Seth Priebatsch: The game layer on top of the world

This is an insightful TEDx video on using game mechanics. Seth Priebatsch, SCVNGR, discusses the range of uses from marketing of products and services to helping patients take their medicine on time to improving society. Take 12 minutes and listen to his perspective on this topic.

Infographic: Information Explosion & Cloud Storage

I love infographics that explain the magnitude of large numbers and activities. This infographic from the Wikibon Blog does a fantastic job showing the growth and magnitude of Consumer Generated Digital Content.

Information Explosion & Cloud Storage
Via: Wikibon

Monday, August 16, 2010

Social Fresh Charlotte

I sincerely enjoyed meeting so many people today and last night at Social Fresh Charlotte. I also want to send out a big thank you to Jason Keith for running another excellent conference. I have been privileged and lucky enough to have been invited to present at 3 Social Fresh conferences over the past 18 months (Charlotte, Nashville & Charlotte).

The questions I received today at the end of my presentation (Managing Social Media Across Multiple Brands) were excellent. They showed that the level of insights and conversation around social media marketing are maturing rapidly.

I also had the honor of moderating a panel on Social Media Customer Service. The panel members included Diana Plazas from DoubleTree Hotels, Kevin Cole from Bank of America, Shawn McPike from AT&T, and Sean Doherty from Sprint. They all provided thoughtful and excellent insights on successfully leading and managing customer service across the Social Media channel.

I also had the pleasure of meeting Jill Hanner for the first time. She has built up an amazing video blog. Check out her twitter account and blogs when you get a chance.

We also announced the next Social Fresh will be held in Atlanta on November 8, 2010 at the Newell Rubbermaid HQ. More details will be coming out over the next couple of weeks as we finalize the Social Media Atlanta 2010 conference website and agenda. Social Fresh will be the kickoff event.

Overall another excellent Social Fresh conference with excellent speakers and topics that continue the conversation on the evolution of the social media ecosystem.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Time to restart the Blog

It has been over 9 months since I last blogged and I believe it is time to start it back up. I have a lot of catch-up posts to get up here and I need to have my personal URLs point back at this Blogger blog. I really like the new Blogger themes and customization options. I have already made changes and I am much happier with the appearance.

There has been a lot going on and I will do my best to catch up. But the biggest news is the week-long event I am planning with social media marketing and community building leaders and practitioners from around Atlanta and several Southeastern States: Social Media Atlanta.

More to come soon.