Sunday, May 31, 2009

Corporate Marketers Blogging, Tweeting As Part Of Their Job

Jennie Phelps, Investors Business Daily, wrote a very nice article about Newell Rubbermaid's social media/social web marketing efforts. She interviewed me about six weeks ago and wrote a nice summary and analysis on our efforts with a special focus on the Sharpie brand. The article is titled: Corporate Marketers Blogging, Tweeting As Part of their Job.

I have been thinking a lot about the Skittles interactive marketing campaign and social media marketing focused brand website. I know they have been receiving a lot of flack for their effort, but I think there are parts of their marketing program that are compelling and thought provoking. They took the concept of the "branded website is dead" and took a shot at what that might look like.

So the question is how could the parts of this marketing program that worked be executed on by brands not in the candy business? I believe there are many and will continuing exploring this as time goes on.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

If The 60's Had Twitter

Found this cartoon via All Things Digital newsletter. For those who lived through the 1960's or just enjoy the history around that tumultuous decade, the following cartoon is fun and funny. Enjoy: